
· 1 kg fresh tomatoes
· 100 gr butter
· 200 gr Seal of Quality sheep cheese
· 3 eggs
· 200 gr Seal of Quality milk with
· 50 gr onion
· 30 gr flour
· 1/2 bunch parsley
· salt


Rinse the tomatoes and cut them in slices, then carefully fry until fully cooked. Remove the tomatoes from the oil, add the chopped onions and fry it. Stir in flour, add milk stirring all the time. Put the tomatoes in the pan, cover them with the sauce, making layers. In-between you can put some grated cheese and sprinkle the rest of the oil in which the tomatoes were fried. Mix the eggs, and add some milk, salt and finely chopped parsley. Pour this mixture over the meal and bake it in the oven.

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Association of Meat and Dairy Processors in Macedonia