
· about 1 kg new nettles
· 1 kg chicken or veal
· 1 onion
· 3 potatoes
· 1 egg (the yolk only, beaten)
· 3 tablespoons Seal of Quality set yogurt
· lemon, salt some flour


Boil the potatoes, then cut them into pieces. Boil the meat separately. Fry the onions in oil and mix in some flour. Add the nettles and fry it all together. Pour the meat stock soup over nettle mixture and the potatoes. Boil it for some time, add the meat and continue to cook .In the end mix the yolk, set yogurt, lemon juice, salt and flour and add them to the soup. Let it boil and it is ready when it thickens.

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Association of Meat and Dairy Processors in Macedonia