
· 1 kg peppers (8 for stuffing)
· 300 gr unripened Seal of Quality cow's cheese
· 200 gr "Trapist" cheese
· 100 gr Seal of Quality (hard) cheese
· 80 gr Seal of Quality ham
· seasoning, salt
· 80 gr oil
· 4 eggs, scrambled (for topping)


Wash the peppers and take out the stems. Cut the trapist, the hard cheese and the ham in (1 cm) dices and add mashed unripened cheese. Mix it all, add seasoning and fill the peppers with this mixture. Each pepper is to be closed with a piece of pepper and then fried in oil for about 15 minutes. When the peppers soften on both sides increase the temperature and pour over the scrambled eggs. Serve hot.

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Association of Meat and Dairy Processors in Macedonia